Assisted Living at Wind Crest.

Quality care and all the comforts of home.

If someone you love needs extra support with daily tasks like meal preparation, dressing, bathing, or medications, turn to the community with a track record of success serving Highlands Ranch seniors.

We’re part of Erickson Living®, a network of continuing care retirement communities with over 35 years of senior living and health care experience. You can choose our community with confidence, knowing we’ll provide expert care while you enjoy quality time with your loved one.

Scroll down for the benefits of Assisted Living at Wind Crest.


Call 303-731-5447 today for more information
Or fill out this form to request your free brochure.

Wind Crest Assisted Living offers:

  • Quality, senior-focused care, provided by knowledgeable and compassionate caregivers
  • Private residences with full private baths
  • Access to all the amenities and services offered at our 84-acre campus
  • An easy transition to higher levels of on-site care, if the need arises